Compare Map User's Guide.

by Jana Diesner

  1. Open CompareMap
  2. Open a set of Maps
  3. Select maps for comparison or consolidation
  4. Comparison Settings
  5. Output Options
    5.1 Hamming_Distance
    5.2 DL format
  6. Run Comparison
  7. Consolidate Maps
  8. Run Map Consolidation
  9. Outputs
    9.1 Map
    9.2 Stat
  10. Example for Map Comparison
  11. Grouping
  12. Exit Comparemap

Further Information

AutoMap User's Guide


Maps generated with AutoMap can be compared by using CompareMap.

1. Open CompareMap
In order to open CompareMap, click the Tools menu in AutoMap and select Open CompareMap.
This is the CompareMap interface (CP notations are only used in this picture for further reference to these panels throughout this help file):

2. Open a set of maps
All maps you wish to compare need to be stored in one folder. This folder can also contain files in other formats.
Click the File menu and select Open multiple maps. A file chooser will pop up. Choose the folder that contains the maps you wish to analyze. This is typically the output folder in the root directory of AutoMap. The folder that you select can contain files in multiple formats, CompareMap automatically detects all .map files in this folder. Single click on this folder. The folder will be highlighted in blue. Do not double click the folder. Hit the Open button. The names of the .map files contained in the selected folder will be displayed on CP1, Map Selection index card. You can display the rest of the texts by using the Browse Menu.

3. Select maps for comparison or consolidation
After you have opened a set of maps, choose the maps you wish to compare at once by copying filenames from the left box to the right box on CP1, Map Selection index card by using the > button. You can move filenames back by using the < button. All files displayed in the right box will be considered for map comparison.

4. Comparison Settings
On CP2, in the Result type frame on the Comparison Settings index card choose either "count" or "binary" as the type of results by clicking on the radio button. The default setting is "count".

5. Output Options
5.1 Computation of Hamming Distances
The Hamming Distance is a measure for the distance of given pair of graphs from each other. CompareMap offers two ways for computing Hamming Distance in dependence of the type of map comparison that is run:

  1. When Map Comparison is run the Hamming Distance can be computed between any given pair of maps.
  2. When Map Consolidation is run the Hamming Distance can be computed between the consolidated map, which can also be referred to as "central graph", and any given graph.

To compute the Hamming Distance for 1. and 2. check the Compute Hamming Distance box in the Hamming Distance field on CP2. The result will be printed out on CP4 on the Hamming Distance index card. A .csv with the Hamming Distance values is saved automatically in the output CompareMap folder under the root directory of AutoMap.

5.2 Output maps in DL format
Verbal Sets and consolidated maps are output in map format by default. In addition to that, all maps can be converted into DL format automatically if requested by the user. To generate DL files in addition to map files check the Output in DL format check box in the Output Options field on CP2.
The DL files are stored automatically in the DL_UciNet_Format folder under the root directory of AutoMap.

6. Run Comparison
In order to run the map comparison, click the Run Comparison menu and select on Run Comparison.

7. Consolidate maps
Purpose: Find the shared information of a set of maps.
The percentage of the shared information is determined by the user by choosing a consolidation options on CP2, in the Consolidation of maps frame on the Comparison Setting panel:

The union option equals the 0 percent of consolidation, which equals the Union of Statements
If the lossy intersection option is chosen, a value between 5 and 95 percent needs to be chosen from the choose percentage. As a result, the chosen percentage of shared knowledge between the selected maps will be computed.
The intersection option equals equals the 100 percent of consolidation, which equals the Intersection of Statements.

8. Run Map Consolidation
In order to run the map consolidation, click the Run Comparison menu and select Consolidate Maps.
The resulting output file is stored automatically in the output CompareMap folder under the root directory of AutoMap. To generate DL files check the Output in DL format check box in the Output Options field on CP2. The DL files are stored automatically in the DL_UciNet_Format folder under the root directory of AutoMap.

9. Outputs
The outputs of a Map Comparison are displayed on CP3 on the Verbal Sets index cards named Union of Statements, Consensus of Statements, and Dissension of Statements and on CP4, Stat, Statements index card.
The map files are stored automatically in the output CompareMap folder under the root directory of AutoMap.

The outputs of a Map Consolidation are displayed on CP3 on the Verbal Sets index card named Consolidated Maps. No stat output for map consolidation is computed.
The map file is stored automatically in the output CompareMap folder under the root directory of AutoMap.

Outputs of both types of analysis are automatically saved in folder named “output CompareMap” under directory where AutoMap 2.0 is installed. Two types of files are generated: map files and stat files:

9.1 Map
Three map files are displayed on CP3:

  1. Union of Statements
  2. Consensus of Statements
  3. Dissension of Statements

Each map contains one statement per line.
If count was chosen as the comparison setting the first column of the Union map and Consensus map indicates the frequency of every displayed statement. The Dissension map is binary by default.
If binary was chosen as the comparison setting the maps do not indicate the frequency of displayed statement. The Dissension map is binary by default.
Each map generated is automatically saved as,, and in folder named “output CompareMap” under directory where AutoMap 1.2 is installed.

9.2 Statistics
After running the analysis, the Stat file will be displayed on CP4 ,Stat, Statements Index Card.
Each stat file generated is automatically saved as CompareStatements.stat in folder named “output CompareMap” under directory where AutoMap 1.2 is installed.

10. Example for Comparison Outputs
Input texts:
Denmark.txt: Reporters said hundreds of people emerged from shops in Copenhagen city centre to see what was happening, and used their mobile phones to contact their families.
USA.txt: The NYPD said a number of people were trapped in elevators for awhile. Thousands of people left buildings and walked into the streets.

Delete List: of, from, in, to, what, was, and, their, a, were, for, awhile, into
Thesaurus: reporters/ agents; nypd/agents; hundreds/number; emerged/ left; shops/buildings

Resulting maps for Denmark.txt and USA.txt that were used for the comparison:

Map comparison was run with the count setting on both maps.
Resulting maps:

Union of Statements: Consensus of Statements: Dissension of Statements:

Resulting stat file:

# of statements in union:
unique: 20
total: 25

# of statements in consensus:
unique: 5
total: 5

# of statements in dissension:
unique: 15

11. Identify Groups

Groups identified by CompareMap aim to represent clusters of similar maps. The clusters suggested by CompareMap are exclusive but not exhaustive. This means that each map belongs to either one or none cluster. As a baseline for determining similarity between texts CompareMap uses Hamming Distances. The user needs to provide CompareMap with a threshold value of Hamming Distance below that maps are considered for cluster identification. To pick that threshold:

  1. compute Hamming Distances between any pair of maps
  2. open the HammingDistances.csv output file in the output CompareMap folder in the root directory of AutoMap
  3. determine a threshold value below that maps are to be considered for cluster identification
  4. on P2 enter this threshold value into the text box next to the label Cluster Identification: choose threshold value
  5. compute Hamming Distances
  6. Identified clusters are output in a Clusters.csv file in the output CompareMap folder in the root directory of AutoMap

12. Exit
To exit CompareMap, click the File menu and select Exit.
CompareMap will be closed.

How to cite CompareMap

Since CompareMap is a part of the AutoMap package, this reference can be used:

Carley, K.M., & Diesner, J. (2005). AutoMap: Software for Network Text Analysis. CASOS (Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems), ISRI, CMU.

Further Information

For further information on CompareMap please visit:

On this web page you will find:

We also provide a online discussion forum for AutoMap, which also covers CompareMap. The purpose of this forum is to:
- Discuss questions related to the AutoMap software.
- Get help from other AutoMap users and the developers of the software with using the tool.

Questions, Bugs, and Comments

Please contact us:
Dr. Kathleen M. Carley (
Jana Diesner (

Carnegie Mellon University
School of Computer Science
Institute for Software Research International (ISRI)
Center for Computational Analysis of Social and Organizational Systems (CASOS)
5000 Forbes Avenue
1325 Wean Hall
Pittsburgh, PA, 15213