Construct version 5.4.4
An agent based modeling framework
▼Ndynet | |
Calready_exists | Thrown when an entity with the same name as another exists |
Cconstruct_exception | Base class allows for differentiation between Construct's exceptions and all other exceptions. |
Ccould_not_convert | Exception meant to be caught and added to by the catching entity |
Ccould_not_convert_attribute | Exception meant to add attribute information based on a could_not_convert exception |
Ccould_not_convert_parameter | Exception meant to add parameter information based on a could_not_convert exception |
Ccould_not_convert_value | Exception meant to add extra information based on a could_not_convert exception |
Ccould_not_find_network | Thrown when the GraphManager could not find a network |
Ccould_not_find_node | Thrown when a node could not be found in a nodeset |
Ccould_not_find_nodeset | Thrown when the NodesetManager could not find a Nodeset |
Ccould_not_find_parameter | Thrown by functions that parse a ParameterMap |
Ccould_not_open_file | Thrown when an entity could not open a file for any reason |
Ccsv_missing_beginning_bracket | Thrown when a csv file does not contain thier slice dimension within a set of brackets |
Ccsv_missing_ending_bracket | Thrown when a csv file does not contain thier slice dimension within a set of brackets |
Ccsv_too_many_cols | Thrown when a csv file has too many columns |
Ccsv_too_many_rows | Thrown when a csv file has too many rows |
Ccsv_too_many_slcs | Thrown when a csv file has too many slices |
Cend_early | Can be thrown by dynet::endl to trigger a premature exit from Construct. |
Cmissing_node_attribute | Thrown when a node attribute could not be found |
Cmodel_multually_exclusive | Thrown when a model identifies that its mutually exclusive with another active model |
Cns_index_out_of_range | Thrown when attempting to access a Node index that doesn't exist |
Costream_wrapper | Wraps std::cout to prevent text from being sent to the console when the QUIET flag is present. |
Cout_of_range | Thrown when a value is outside its required range |
Cparameter_size_mismatch | |
CParameterMap | |
CType_Interface | An interface for converting non-standard types |
Cunknown_value | Thrown when a parameter has a value outside of the limited set of options for that parameter |
Cwrong_file_extension | Thrown when the name of file to be opened has the wrong file extension |
Ngraph_names | Names of all graphs/networks used in Construct's model library |
▼Ngraph_utils | Definitions for iterators, helper functions, and operators that support Graph. |
Ccol_begin_iterator | An iterator that iterates over the start of each row. |
Ccol_graph_iterator | An iterator parent for iterators that increment through a column |
Cconst_col_begin_iterator | A constant iterator that iterates over the start of each column |
Cconst_full_col_iterator | A constant iterator that iterates over every row at a constant column |
Cconst_full_row_iterator | A constant iterator that iterates over every column at a constant row |
Cconst_row_begin_iterator | A constant iterator that iterates over the start of each row |
Cconst_sparse_col_iterator | A constant iterator that iterates over each element whose value does not equal the skip value |
Cconst_sparse_row_iterator | A constant iterator that iterates over each element whose value does not equal the skip value |
Cfull_col_iterator | An iterator that iterates over every row at a constant column. |
Cfull_row_iterator | An iterator that iterates over every column at a constant row. |
Cgraph_iterator | Finds the next index that aligns iterators |
Crow_begin_iterator | An iterator that iterates over the start of each row. |
Crow_graph_iterator | An iterator parent for iterators that increment through a row |
Csparse_col_iterator | An iterator that iterates over each element whose value does not equal the skip value |
Csparse_graph_iterator | An iterator parent for sparse iterators that stores the value that the iterators must skip over when incrementing. |
Csparse_row_iterator | An iterator that iterates over each element whose value does not equal the skip value |
Nmodel_names | Names of all models in Construct's model library. |
Nnode_attributes | Names of node attributes used by Construct's built in models |
Nnodeset_names | Names of nodesets used by Construct's built in models |