CASOS 2021 Summer Institute

Due to the pandemic related restrictions, we will hold this workshop virtually

June 7 - 13, 2021

How to Register:

For those interested in attending our virtual Summer Institute, you can register at the website below. Fees for this years institute were updated to adjust for the virtual format. If you have any questions regarding the virtual platform, please email

Secure Registration Link:

Registration Fees:

Fees for 2021 Summer Institute:

We are offering fellowships to students to defray the cost of registration for this year's institute. To apply, interested students should email a letter from their advisor stating they are in good standing and why attendance is valuable for the student, just a short paragraph with contact information of the advisor. Also a statement from student applying for the fellowship about what they want to learn and how they will apply network analytics, no more than 2 paragraphs. Application information can be sent directly to

Tentative Agenda - subject to change, updated 6/2/21


The purpose of the CASOS Summer Institute is to provide and intense and hands-on introduction to network analytics and visualization from a combined social-network, network-science, link-analysis and dynamic network analysis perspective. Particular attention will be paid to the application of the associated techniques and theories to complex socio-technical systems with dynamic and/or geo-spatial features. Attendees will learn to:

Participants learn about current trends, practices, and tools available for social networks analysis, link analysis, simulation, and multi-agent modeling. Basic social network and dynamic network representations, statistics, analysis and visualization techniques are covered. Techniques for designing, analyzing, and validating computational models with and without network components are presented. There is also an emphasis on appropriate and inappropriate ways to critique computational models and network analyses. The strengths and weaknesses of computational and network approaches to examining complex socio-technical issues are discussed. Multiple computational platforms are explored and hands-on experience are provided. An examination of social network methods, complexity theory and procedures for integrating network-based metrics and statistics into computational models completes the program.

The software tools students will learn and work with include: ORA, AutoMap, and Construct, which are network analysis, information extraction, and simulations tools, respectively, that are developed at CASOS and widely used globally in business, government, and education.

Text analysis, network analysis and multi-agent modeling as it applies to the extraction, analysis, and modeling of networks will be covered. Participants will be able to complete the institute without programming skills or in-depth understanding of particular social theories. Computer programming, statistical analysis and basic social or organizational theory are not included under the topics covered.

Students are encouraged to bring their own data and to learn to use the CASOS tools to code, analyze, reason about and visualize there data. Hands-on instruction and assistance will be provided on how to import data to ORA from CSV files, SQL databases, email servers, UCINET formats, PenLink, I2/Analyst Notebook and other raw data formats. Students will work through a tool chain where they extract networks from texts, analyze those networks, and the using simulation techniques evolve those networks.


The hands-on curriculum builds on both social network and computational analysis techniques, and illustrates how to use these techniques to study social, organizational and policy issues.

Topics Covered:


Who participates?

Participation is open to graduate students, faculty, and personnel from industry, education and government.

Registration Fees*:

*Please note: registration fees will be adjusted to reflect the new virtual format.

Questions?: Contact us by email: casos [at] cmu [dot] edu, phone: 412-268-3163

How to Register:

Registration is now open.

Register Here


On-campus Accommodations

There will be no on-campus accomodations this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

You will need to use your own machine:

For more information on computers and software, please visit the How to Prepare page.


Helpful Information: