Rick Carley
CASOS Faculty, Professor
Email: lrc[AT]andrew.cmu.edu
CMU Affiliation: ECE, CASOS
Office: Hamerschlag Hall 2119
Phone: (412) 268-3597
CASOS Faculty, Professor
Email: lrc[AT]andrew.cmu.edu
CMU Affiliation: ECE, CASOS
Office: Hamerschlag Hall 2119
Phone: (412) 268-3597
Research: Sensor and communication networks
Mezzour, Ghita & Frankenstein, William & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2018). A Socio-Computational Approach to Predicting Bioweapon Proliferation. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 5, [DOI] WebSite: [link]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2018). Remote assessment of countries' cyber weapon capabilities. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 8, Springer. [DOI] WebSite: [link]
Frankenstein, William & Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2015). Remote assessment of countries' nuclear, biological, and cyber capabilities: joint motivation and latent capability approach. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5, [DOI] WebSite: [link]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2015). An Empirical Study of Global Malware Encounters. ACM Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSos), April 2015, Urbana, IL,
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2015). An Incremental Algorithm for Updating Betweenness Centrality and k-Betweenness Centrality and Its Performance on Realistic Dynamic Social Network Data. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) , 4, 234-256. Springer. WebSite: [link]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M & Frankenstein, William. (2014). Systematic Assessment of Nation-State' Motivations and Capabilities to Produce Biological Weapons. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report CMU-ISR-14-103, [pdf]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2014). Global Mapping of Cyber Attacks. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report CMU-ISR-14-111., [pdf]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2014). Longitudinal analysis of a large corpus of cyber threat descriptions. Jornal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Published online by Springer on 9 June 2014, Springer Paris. [DOI] [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2013). Monitoring Social Centrality for Peer-to-Peer Network Protection. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 51, 155-161. [DOI] [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2013). Incremental Closeness Centrality for Dynamically Changing Social Networks. Workshop on the Semantic and Dynamic Analysis of Information Networks (SDAIN'13). In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), August 25-28, 2013, Niagara Falls, Canada., [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Wachs, Matthew & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2013). Incremental Computation of Betweeness Centrality for Dynamically Growing Networks. Workshop on the Semantic and Dynamic Analysis of Information Networks (SDAIN'13). In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), August 25-28, 2013, Niagara Falls, Canada., 33-40. [DOI] [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2012). Trends in Science Networks: Understanding Structures and Statistics of Scientific Networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 2, 741-747. Springer. [DOI]
Kas, Miray & Khadka, Alla & Frankenstein, William & Abdulla, Ahmed Y & Kunkel, Frank & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2012). Analyzing scientific networks for nuclear capabilities assessment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63, 1294-1312. [DOI] [pdf]
Khadka, Alla & Kas, Miray & Abdulla, Ahmed Y & Diesner, Jana & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2012). Nuclear Security and Iran: Developing a Methodology to Assess a Country's Nuclear Capacity. In the proceedings of the Midwest Political Science Association National Conference (MPSA 2012), Chicago IL, April 12-15, 2012., [ppt]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2012). Who was Where, When? Spatiotemporal Analysis of Researcher Mobility in Nuclear Science. International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Data Integration and Retrieval (STIR 2012). Held in conjunction with ICDE 2012. April 1, 2012, Washington DC, USA., [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Wachs, Matthew & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2012). Incremental Centrality Computations for Dynamic Social Networks. Presentation at XXXII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt 2012). March 12-18, 2012, Rodendo Beach, CA, USA., [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Appala, Sandeep & Wang, Sandeep & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L & Tonguz, Ozan K . (2012). What if Wireless Routers were Social? Analyzing Wireless Mesh Networks from a Social Networks Perspective. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 19, 36-43. WebSite: [link]
Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2012). Use of Social Network Analysis to Improve Wireless Data Distribution. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 5, [pdf]
- Health Care Trails Project - Project Lead
Mezzour, Ghita & Frankenstein, William & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2018). A Socio-Computational Approach to Predicting Bioweapon Proliferation. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 5, [DOI] WebSite: [link]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2018). Remote assessment of countries' cyber weapon capabilities. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 8, Springer. [DOI] WebSite: [link]
Frankenstein, William & Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2015). Remote assessment of countries' nuclear, biological, and cyber capabilities: joint motivation and latent capability approach. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 5, [DOI] WebSite: [link]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2015). An Empirical Study of Global Malware Encounters. ACM Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSos), April 2015, Urbana, IL,
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2015). An Incremental Algorithm for Updating Betweenness Centrality and k-Betweenness Centrality and Its Performance on Realistic Dynamic Social Network Data. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) , 4, 234-256. Springer. WebSite: [link]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M & Frankenstein, William. (2014). Systematic Assessment of Nation-State' Motivations and Capabilities to Produce Biological Weapons. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report CMU-ISR-14-103, [pdf]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2014). Global Mapping of Cyber Attacks. Carnegie Mellon University, School of Computer Science, Institute for Software Research, Technical Report CMU-ISR-14-111., [pdf]
Mezzour, Ghita & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2014). Longitudinal analysis of a large corpus of cyber threat descriptions. Jornal of Computer Virology and Hacking Techniques, Published online by Springer on 9 June 2014, Springer Paris. [DOI] [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2013). Monitoring Social Centrality for Peer-to-Peer Network Protection. Communications Magazine, IEEE, 51, 155-161. [DOI] [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2013). Incremental Closeness Centrality for Dynamically Changing Social Networks. Workshop on the Semantic and Dynamic Analysis of Information Networks (SDAIN'13). In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), August 25-28, 2013, Niagara Falls, Canada., [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Wachs, Matthew & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2013). Incremental Computation of Betweeness Centrality for Dynamically Growing Networks. Workshop on the Semantic and Dynamic Analysis of Information Networks (SDAIN'13). In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), August 25-28, 2013, Niagara Falls, Canada., 33-40. [DOI] [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2012). Trends in Science Networks: Understanding Structures and Statistics of Scientific Networks. Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 2, 741-747. Springer. [DOI]
Kas, Miray & Khadka, Alla & Frankenstein, William & Abdulla, Ahmed Y & Kunkel, Frank & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2012). Analyzing scientific networks for nuclear capabilities assessment. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63, 1294-1312. [DOI] [pdf]
Khadka, Alla & Kas, Miray & Abdulla, Ahmed Y & Diesner, Jana & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2012). Nuclear Security and Iran: Developing a Methodology to Assess a Country's Nuclear Capacity. In the proceedings of the Midwest Political Science Association National Conference (MPSA 2012), Chicago IL, April 12-15, 2012., [ppt]
Kas, Miray & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L . (2012). Who was Where, When? Spatiotemporal Analysis of Researcher Mobility in Nuclear Science. International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Data Integration and Retrieval (STIR 2012). Held in conjunction with ICDE 2012. April 1, 2012, Washington DC, USA., [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Wachs, Matthew & Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2012). Incremental Centrality Computations for Dynamic Social Networks. Presentation at XXXII International Sunbelt Social Network Conference (Sunbelt 2012). March 12-18, 2012, Rodendo Beach, CA, USA., [pdf]
Kas, Miray & Appala, Sandeep & Wang, Sandeep & Carley, Kathleen M & Carley, Richard L & Tonguz, Ozan K . (2012). What if Wireless Routers were Social? Analyzing Wireless Mesh Networks from a Social Networks Perspective. IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 19, 36-43. WebSite: [link]
Carley, Richard L & Carley, Kathleen M . (2012). Use of Social Network Analysis to Improve Wireless Data Distribution. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology, 5, [pdf]